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There are 7 font sizes that I can use when writing Web pages. The font size you see now is the default font size. There are 4 sizes that are larger than the default font size. The largest of these is Font Size +4" Font Size +3, Font Size +2 and Font Size +1 are also larger than the default font size. There are 2 font sizes that are smaller than the default font size. These font sizes are Font Size -1 and Font Size -2, the smallest of them all.


this sentence is aligned to the left

this sentence is aligned to the center

this sentence is aligned to the right

Review of Tags Bold Text: B Italicized Text: I Underlined Text: U
Line Break
: BR <>Paragraph

: P (Attribute: ALIGN)
Horizontal Rule: HR Heading: H1 through H6 Font: FONT (Attributes: FACE, SIZE)